Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Beltek 2009 : Send your demo's / Presskits!!

As you know, each year the folks who put on BelTek meet in early winter (January/Feb) to decide the lineup for the next summer's event. We base our decision on two things: demos we recieve, and support given previously to the event. Don't wait too long, get your demo in ASAP!

We need to hear your mix, and find out who you are!

Mail your demo and presskit to:

BelTek Demos
24 Lincolnville Road
Belmont, ME 04952

Make sure we can clearly see who you are and how to contact you!

Because there are so many who want to be involved, we don't have time and can't accept links or downloads for this, so make sure to drop a cd in the mail. This also applies to those who have performed at BelTek in the past. To keep it fair we'll only be selecting from those who submit demos!


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