Thursday, November 20, 2008

BelTek wins an award from We Push Buttons!!

A big thanks to We Push Buttons for the award, and of course thanks to everyone who voted for BelTek!

This year we were nominated and won for best non-musical contribution to the scene. The other folks who were nominated were also deserving, but it was your vote that made us the winner.

Thanks again, and make sure to support WPB at Portland's underground music hub!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Beltek 2009 : Send your demo's / Presskits!!

As you know, each year the folks who put on BelTek meet in early winter (January/Feb) to decide the lineup for the next summer's event. We base our decision on two things: demos we recieve, and support given previously to the event. Don't wait too long, get your demo in ASAP!

We need to hear your mix, and find out who you are!

Mail your demo and presskit to:

BelTek Demos
24 Lincolnville Road
Belmont, ME 04952

Make sure we can clearly see who you are and how to contact you!

Because there are so many who want to be involved, we don't have time and can't accept links or downloads for this, so make sure to drop a cd in the mail. This also applies to those who have performed at BelTek in the past. To keep it fair we'll only be selecting from those who submit demos!


Beltek 08 Thanks you

Well, well, well. What a time it was. BelTek 08 was truly the biggest and best it’s ever been. 1245 dancing fools rocked it this year in the drizzle and fog. You guys are awesome. But now that the trash is finally gone and the grass is starting to grow back it’s time for some thank yous. There are so many people to thank for making this all happen and we hope that we haven’t left anyone out. So here it goes:

Josh (Dudeman Foo) Gates - he brought the killer sound and sacrificed both of his Mackies to the BelTek gods. He also brought the projectors and expertise. What a trooper.

Mandy - all by herself set up a great kids area that many parents appreciated. We did too! She's already thinking and talking about next year: that's the spirit!

Jen Barnes - our lone security lady, who did a great job helping us keep a handle on things!

Chantile Lacomb - made both of the beautiful projector screens. They looked awesome in action!!!!!

Dr. Wilson - brought his amazing Feejee Mermaid and a new dimension to the event. Plus he's posted some great videos on Youtube! Check 'em out!

Dave Gordon - handled the visuals both nights, and recorded 12 hours of Saturday's sets! WOOT! We'll be posting them when they're ready.

Suzanne Laidman - videotaped much of the activities and is making a professional video for online and DVD distribution!

Pat Shaw - Our man at the Maine Edge, provided us with some advertising and know-how. Make sure to pick up a copy of the Edge next time you see it.

Jared Mahrunik - the guy who made the spiffy t-shirts! They look great!

Ernie Gilley - Our man at Granville Rental in Holden who provided power for vendors free of charge!

Chris @ Herbal T&T - too bad they couldn't make it, but Chris did a lot to promote this event to his customers and it made a difference.

Matt Giggy & the rest of the trash cleanup crew! There were many of you and we’re sorry not to know all your names but you guys saved us so much work and we can't thank you enough!

Baba Roots - drove all the way from NYC to expose Mainer's to their herbal energy drink: very cool! Also, they want to help sponsor next year's festival!

Vorthon Vongkaew - Chicken on the stick, it was delicious. Can you believe they came all the way from Alexandria, Virginia. WOW!

After Hours Boutique - the Lewiston crew with the nice set up, and they cleaned up after themselves!

Roger Leisner & Roxanne Munksgard - Maine Peaceworks setup, looked great. These are two amazing people!

The folks from Far Out Magazine, The Bangor Daily and WERU-FM that gave us some great publicity.

The Correys, Dan, Amanda, Justus, Lester, Tilly and everyone else that helped with set-up and breakdown. Sisselpud and the whole Sanford crew that helped with firewood, trash and final breakdown.

Billy Meyers and Barry for showing up with a truck on Monday and helping out in a major way with trash and final clean-up.

All the fire-dancers from near and far who truly make BelTek memorable.

Trixie and Billy for helping us straighten out some of our sound issues on Sunday morning. Those poor Mackies.

Sarabelle and Terry for making some killer juice but losing their shirts. Some ravers don’t understand that the juice is what can keep you going all weekend. Thanks for trying.

Moss Tent for once again loaning us some awesome tents.

Benny, Justus, David, Barbara, Danni, Ellie, Alex & David, Annabelle & Lily, Nathan, Anna, Jeff, Chucky, Ginny, Jya, and all the other folks who volunteered to cover a shift doing greeting or working the BelTek table. Thank you for hanging out so long and helping us get an accurate head count while stirring up all the donations.

Norman Tinker for loaning us the metal sculptures. They’ve definitely made for some conversations.

Larason for doing a lot of mowing and setting up the Frisbee golf course that made some great camp sites.

All the people that respected the land and the rules. You’re the one’s we want back next year.

Of course Dj Duran, JonEkat, Marshall Law, Gestalt, Illogik, Stryk9, TimCorrey, Manafest, Alchera, RJ, Vik44, Elusid, Dreamosaic, Moshe, Secret Weekend, Rok Finestt, Knowledge, Unity, Bookum, Nocturnal, Seratto, Jason Keith, Matty T, Legal Limit, Lenore, DC, Miz-Eyesis, Trixie, Illux and Billy for all kicking ass and taking names.

All the other great vendors and artists! You guys rocked! (Note: if any of you know Corey Vondreau of Nice Dreams, please let him know what a loser he is for leaving a couch, selling nitrous and beer to under-agers, and leaving a horrendous mess for our clean up crew. He sucks big time, let him know. Do not do business with him. He does not deserve to be thanked and will not be welcome next year.)

We’ll see you at BelTek 09

Beltek slideshow

Some Beltek 08 Pics